For Mallika Chopra, living with intent is every bit natural every bit breathing. It'due south non difficult to run across why. The founder and CEO of, Chopra only happens to be the daughter of Deepak Chopra, author and world-renowned authorization in spiritual healing and mind-body medicine, who taught her how to meditate at the tender age of nine.

Mallika Chopra

Likewise, Mallika Chopra understands that intentions evolve over time, simply similar businesses. That'due south why she's launching a totally revamped version of Timed to coincide with Chopra Well, a new series of YouTube programming past her father, the videos and the online platform aim to provide users with a seamless way to discover, get inspired by, and support each other's intents.

"When we outset launched it was more like a blog," she explains, simply a simple space on the site offered the online community a identify to share dreams and aspirations. "We saw that people loved to share their intents simply too support others," Chopra says. The challenge, she admits, was keeping people engaged in that back up network. "It was more than like Twitter," Chopra admits, "Share, then go off into the ether."

With a new functionality designed to enhance storytelling, Chopra says, users can explain why they are setting a particular goal, how the community can help them attain information technology, and even list their inspirations. In other words, the Intent network can go beyond clicking a thumbs-up and actually help the individual along their path by sharing the intent with their own personal network, offering words of encouragement in the comments, or even make donations for a cause if that is what the user requests.

"There's a focus on taking the intent deeper and updating the stories as they progress," Chopra says.

That'southward where Chopra Well comes in.

Also being a repository for bits of wisdom on sexuality, spirituality, and general enlightenment delivered past Deepak, Mallika Chopra points out that there volition be additional programming that follows individuals (taped prior to the launch) as they country their intent and tap a variety of experts to achieve their personal goals.

This has already had a profound effect on Natalie Spilger, professional person U.S. soccer player and founder of Green Laces, i of the program's first participants. Though no stranger to taking the earth phase on the soccer field, Spilger says, "The very experience of exposing myself to the world through the prove," gave her the jitters. "Would I await like an idiot? Would I embarrass myself or even worse, my family or friends or colleagues?  Would people send me hate postal service? It is really confrontational to take your first ever experience with therapy on film for the whole world to see." Still she maintains, "The work nosotros were doing helped me directly ascension above the fears and merely go for it."

A expert attitude when you are doing "orgasmic meditation." Like virtually of us, Spilger says her sex-ed instructor focused on mechanics and hydraulics of the act rather than the ability to experience a deep spiritual connection. "For me, observing two consenting individuals connect so deeply and experience such a deep level of presence and peace through intimacy was cute. I wanted to cry," she adds.

Mallika Chopra asserts you can, and should, try this at domicile. "No matter where yous are, you will exist able to join in on the journey, share their intents, and abound together."

Intent logo

For his intent, Deepak Chopra has ever had a modest goal. "I've dreamed of reaching 100 meg joyfully serious people." Thanks to this new YouTube channel and, Deepak Chopra quips, he may actually get there. According to his "cosmic" cess, "Social media is the new network of our planetary brain. It can change our identity and our civilization to have us beyond ethnocentric boundaries so we can truly be global citizens and create a peaceful, just, sustainable earth."

Rather than fight information technology, Deepak Chopra says he prefers to embrace information technology–with a little aid from his digital native granddaughters."Information technology is but the natural evolution of human being beings," he explains. "The technology is neutral. We can be victims or creative with it."

Deepak Chopra errs on the side of fun. "You tin hang out with people globally who are like-minded," he says. But more than chiefly, he sees Chopra Well and Intent'southward network equally agents for social transformation. "What nosotros do take is a huge amount of collective intelligence and inventiveness with crowdsourcing and cloud computing. Add together collective intent and compassion along with that and we tin can actually be an unstoppable strength."