Five (5) Tech-enabled Activities Used in the Different Social Media Platforms.

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Tech brands have ever been pioneers of social media marketing. HP was the kickoff visitor to hit ane million followers on LinkedIn. GE was 1 of the starting time brands to use Facebook Alive for a major upshot. AT&T won the 2016 Shorty Laurels for Best Online Community for its multi-platform web series, @SummerBreak.

These businesses prepare a loftier bar for using innovative tactics and creative ad formats. They go along to produce successful campaigns that inspire marketers to test their boundaries and optimize their strategies.

Here are five leading tech companies using social media marketing.

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1. GE on Pinterest

Pinterest conjures images of cupcake recipes and habitation decor—non machinery and scientific discipline facts. And yet, GE has made a proper noun for itself on the platform, with over 27,000 followers and virtually 40 custom boards.

1 of the brand'south almost pop Pinterest boards is "Hey Girl," which puts a twist on the famous meme featuring Ryan Gosling. Instead of showing images of the histrion with feminist pickup lines, GE created graphics of Thomas Edison with science-themed pickup lines. This one, for instance, generated over iii.2K Pins.

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Two other noteworthy boards include "Badass Machines," which showcases "the biggest and baddest technologies produced past GE," and "DIY Science." The latter was used to promote GE'southward multi-platform #6SecondScience Fair, which was created for Vine. This post, for example, teaches people how to inflate a airship using vinegar, baking soda, and a plastic bottle. Information technology generated over 5.8K Pins.

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GE's unique approach to Pinterest marketing earned the brand a spot equally a finalist in the Digiday Content Marketing Awards and the Shorty Awards.

The takeaway: Take risks on new platforms. Fifty-fifty if you don't recall a certain network is right for your make, attempt brainstorming unique ways to get your bulletin across. You might stumble upon unexpected strategies that could set you apart from the competition.

ii. Cisco on Twitter

In a earth fraught with political debates and tragic news, Cisco is catalyzing positive change. The company'due south recent entrada, "There'south Never Been a Better Time," promotes the idea that technology tin aid solve some of the world's biggest challenges.

Equally Cisco CMO Karen Walker wrote, "Predictions say digital disruption will supplant nearly four out of the top 10 industry leaders within five years. While this is a time of tremendous change, it is also a fourth dimension of tremendous opportunity."

Cisco is spreading its message through Television receiver spots, a dedicated content hub, and social outreach—particularly on Twitter. The visitor uses the #NeverBetter hashtag to share existent stories near how it'south making a difference in people's lives. For instance, Cisco works with key partners to provide technology in humanitarian crises and save endangered animals in Africa.

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This campaign pulls back the pall and helps people run into how Cisco is actually making a divergence across the world. The make even mobilized partners to help spread the word, giving them unprecedented access to campaign assets such as marketing training courses and digital playbooks.

The takeaway: Build a customs effectually a mutual cause. If your company cares almost something, and you think others do equally well, and then share it with them. Let your audience know how you're contributing to a improve world, give them the tools they demand to practice the aforementioned, and ask them to share their own stories. This will help humanize your brand and create an important dialog with your customers.

three. IBM on LinkedIn

With over three million followers, IBM was named 1 of the most influential tech brands on LinkedIn. The IT company uses its page to share company developments, sneak peeks at new products, and stories from its employees.

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IBM also takes reward of most every feature LinkedIn has to offering. For case, they run over 10 Showcase Pages for different products and services, such as IBM Cloud, IBM Watson, and IBM Cyberspace of Things. Each private page has thousands—and some up to lxxx,000—followers. They even have a carve up folio that highlights company culture, including photos and videos, cultural insights, and blog posts from employees.

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IBM isn't alone in using these strategies. According to LinkedIn, 100% of the top tech brands share company updates on the network and encourage employees to mail service besides.

The takeaway: Highlight your company culture. Task seekers aren't the only ones who want a backside-the-scenes look at your business; customers exercise likewise. They want to know that your employees aren't just out to sell a product, but that they're passionate about what they exercise and the solutions they create.

4. Microsoft on Instagram

Microsoft may sell computer programs, but its Instagram content is all nearly real people. The brand launched its global account in 2014—iv years subsequently Instagram'southward launch—with a calculated approach: Highlight amazing stories from people who use Microsoft technology to explore their passions and create alter.

Instagram assembled a team to tour the world and meet real Microsoft customers who were doing great things. They so published their photos, videos, and stories on Instagram with the hashtag #DoMore. Their showtime story, for instance, introduces Laila Ghambari, a barista who uses Skype to share her skills with entrepreneurs beyond the world.

With over 900K Instagram followers to appointment, Microsoft is also asking its audition to share their own stories nearly people who are doing amazing things. This allows them to spread the #DoMore bulletin, accumulate user-generated content, and strengthen their relationship with customers.

The takeaway: Gloat your customers and their passions. These are the people you create products for, and they're the ones potential customers will listen to when they carry research. Find creative ways to tell their stories and share them with your audition.

5. HP on Facebook

With over 4 million followers, HP uses its Facebook folio every bit a go-to hub for industry news, product promotions, engaging videos, and shareable graphics.

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The company has launched several successful campaigns on the platform as well. For #BendTheRules, HP tapped celebrities and influencers movie videos that inspired others to explore the bounds of their creativity. Nigh notably, the brand worked with Ellie Goulding and a squad of animators to create an interactive, acoustic functioning of Goulding's vocal, "Burn." The project was nominated for "Best Music and Make Partnership" at the 2016 Music Week Awards.

HP also teamed up with influencers to promote its convertible touchscreen laptop among Gen-Z consumers. Equally a result, the brand saw a four-point lift in remember and a 7-betoken lift in purchase consideration.

The takeaway: Partner with influencers to grow your audience. Customers want to hear from celebrities, not brands. That'southward why influencer marketing can be such a successful strategy. It gives you an opportunity to engage new consumers and expand your reach across the Internet.

Social Media Marketing Similar the Pros

It might seem tough to build a community around multinational software and hardware. But as these tech brands prove, you lot just accept to detect artistic ways to share your message and appoint your audience. Go out of your comfort zone and attempt new platforms. Give customers a mutual cause to rally around. Celebrate people who use your products to fuel their passions. With these key tactics, you can launch successful campaigns and even pioneer new strategies that take others looking to your brand for inspiration.

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