How Many People Have Heard the Gospel of Jesus Through Social Media

Sharing the Gospel through Social Media

Dr. Craig Kraft / Monday, July 5, 2021

Canadians have had admission to the Gospel for a long time.

Christian churches take been present in Canada since the starting time settlers arrived and brought their religion with them.  In recent years we have identified many sins and failures of Christian churches in our history.  At times, power has been driveling and the message of the gospel has been obscured by our failures to live out the gospel.  Equally a consequence, many Canadians see churches as temples of hypocrisy, sentence, ignorance, and exclusion.

The truthful Gospel of Jesus needs to be shared with Canadians. Unfortunately, negative perceptions of the church building frequently make it the way of Jesus' bulletin of beloved, hope, grace, and credence.

Immature Canadians demand to hear this message, but where volition they hear it?

Our younger generations are often bumming, distracted, and confused. They are broken and lost. Jesus would allocate them as "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Mt. 9:35-38). COVID has brought not bad uncertainty for the side by side generation. They are looking for hope, but not in churches.

Immature Canadians tend to alive on their smartphones and antipodal through social media, so we are reaching out to them through these channels. This yr we have partnered with Groundwire to share messages of promise on social media and invite immature Canadians to discover the Gospel online.  We are placing loftier-quality, contextually relevant ads on diverse social platforms to invite people to reconsider their religion or to discover for the start time that Jesus cares near them.

We are helping young Canadians find hope and meaning for their lives.

Lisa's Story

Last month, Nineteen-year-old Lisa* saw one of our ads, went to the website, and chatted with one of our online coaches. She said, "I am feeling bored with my life... nothing makes me happy anymore."

Our trained jitney spent the adjacent eighty minutes chatting with her about loneliness, life, and Jesus.  Their conversation ended with Lisa praying to receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.

Lisa signed off proverb, "I feel similar my encephalon was only washed from doubt, and fear, and worries. Thanks."

She was directed toward two local churches in her community and provided some online follow-upwards resource.

Jesus Cares Canada

Outreach Canada has been serving the church in Canada since 1984. Our roots were in research, evangelism, and discipleship in western Canada.  Our ministry has grown to include marketplace chaplaincy, mission mobilization, grooming, fellow member care, church revitalization, and diaspora ministry in Canada.

Nosotros are currently edifice partnerships with churches and disciple-making ministries across Canada to provide a full menu of discipleship options, including church connections, virtual discovery Bible study groups, online discipleship resources, virtual Alpha groups, and more.

Following iii fruitful years of JesusCares outreach in America, we launched our Canadian campaign on March ane, 2021, with $xxx,000.  Nosotros accept had over ii one thousand thousand ads viewed, over twenty-chiliad website visits to the, and over seven-hundred and fifty Canadians take made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

We are currently translating ads into French for increased effectiveness in Quebec, where over one hundred people have already responded to our Gospel presentations.

Will yous join usa?

Our goal is to raise $300,000 to run the JesusCares Outreach in Canada for the residuum of the year. We believe we volition come across over x,000 Canadians choose to follow Jesus through this campaign.

The timing is right.

COVID has fabricated the touch of this campaign even more remarkable as more people are experiencing isolation and mental duress and are increasing their time spent on social media.

We invite you to help us make a departure.

This entrada is scaled for manageability just can be extended for farther bear upon. Social media provides a cracking opportunity for fresh, unencumbered access to the Gospel.

If y'all would similar to larn about how you can participate in the Jesus Cares Canada Entrada, check out our website.

To check out the Jesus Cares website with all of the videos, ads, testimonies and gospel presentation, become to

*names have been changed to respect the privacy of individuals.

Dr. Craig Kraft is the Executive Manager of Outreach Canada. Craig and his wife Heather take four adult sons. Subsequently 15 years of pastoral ministry in western Canada, Craig served with OC in southern Africa before returning to lead the ministry building in Canada. Upon his return, Craig assisted with the formation of the OC Global Alliance, a partnership of over yard missionaries working effectually the earth. Craig is a graduate of Northwest Baptist Seminary at ACTS and a graduate of Asia Graduate School of Theology with a Md of Intercultural Studies. His study has focused on diaspora missiology in Canada.  His dissertation explores the potential for revitalizing Canadian churches through the practice of biblical hospitality with refugees and immigrants.

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