What Kind of Accountants Can Travel for Fun and Make Good Money

Looking for the best travel jobs? If y'all call back that y'all can't beget to travel the world, finding a task on the route may exist only the ticket. Travel's wonderful, sure, but little things like food and a place to sleep are good too.

The Best Travel Jobs

We've establish some of the best ideas to get paid equally you travel the world, with some help on how to country each job.

Tip! While house sitting may not pay all of your travel bills, it can take a huge bite out of accommodation costs. Trusted Housesitters is a great place to get-go.Cheque Trusted Housesitters job listings hither.

Yacht Crew

You should know the basics of sailing for this gig, although some jobs but require a slap-up willingness to learn and a great attitude. Bank check out Find a Coiffure or Crew Seekers online or inquire directly at a local yacht guild. Well known jumping off points include Darwin, Phuket, San Diego and Panama. Nosotros volunteered as yacht coiffure for evening cruises at the yacht social club in Brisbane and found the lodge and captains to be friendly and open to our help.

Charles Kosman as Yacht Crew Travel Job
Charles equally king of the yacht!

Freelance Travel Writing

Traditional freelance travel writing is a tough gig. The competition is stiff, and the life of a freelance travel writer commonly doesn't pay well (or reliably). Even if you've got stellar contacts, don't expect to get much pay in the first year or so. Even irritatingly talented writers struggle as travel writers.

I of the best places to commencement looking for freelance writing jobs, and that includes freelance travel writing, is FlexJobs.

FlexJobs screens employers for y'all. FlexJobs comes with a small, flat monthly fee, just they as well vet all of the chore opportunities, meaning that in that location's a lot less spam to wade through.

FlexJobs is one of the top job boards for remote piece of work, simply in that location is a monthly fee (about $xiv.95 USD a month).

Check out FlexJobs here.

Check out Virtual Vocations chore listings hither for freelance writing and plenty of other online jobs. You can try it out for free, only in that location's also a paid version

Cruise Ship Work

Cruise ships hire all sorts of folks, from entertainers to waiters to cooks. This type of gig is best for those without kids or a spouse. It may also non be neat long term for a digital nomad who needs reliable internet access, since WiFi at sea tin can be spotty.

Earl from Wandering Earl has used prowl ship work to fund a large part of his 12 years on the road, and wrote a book called How to Get a Job on a Cruise Ship.

Click hither check out his book on getting a job on a cruise line.

Imperial Caribbean fifty-fifty hires horticulturalists and cupcake supervisors (now that's a job I could handle). Check out careers at Purple Caribbean or Carnival Cruise Lines.

Travel Blogging

If you're the enterprising sort, y'all can start your own travel blog. Y'all'll be putting in a lot of work (trust u.s. on this) as you build your blog. Fifty-fifty if your blog becomes well known, you'll need great business sense and a way to stand up out from the oversupply before you kickoff bringing in whatsoever income. We'd estimate it takes almost a twelvemonth of difficult work blogging before you can start to make any real income here (and by real, we hateful around $1,000 per month).

Tip: To actually savour the combination of work and travel, don't forget about your condom. Here's when a reliable VPN service may come in handy to protect your online presence and unlock geo-restricted content.


While volunteer jobs by nature don't pay, some will provide (often very basic) accommodation or meals, or both. Conservation Volunteers provides bones adaptation, just non meals, in exchange for help on conservation projects. Be careful with this strategy, every bit many voluntourism placements charge y'all a pregnant amount of money to volunteer. This helpful article from Wisebread will indicate you lot in the right direction.


If y'all've always been interested in volunteering on an organic farm, this might exist the gig for you. WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) brings together volunteers and farmers. You'll work a gear up number of hours in exchange for room and board. No previous farming experience is required.

Flight Attendant

This is one of those jobs that require travel every bit role of the career. Flying attendants wages vary depending on the airline, and new employees don't have a great selection of shifts or destinations. That said, you tin can still score some corking flights while existence paid. Airline employees often become substantial discounts on airfare for themselves and their family. Some airlines even allow you to pass on discounts to specified friends.


While this is out of the accomplish of near of us, those with flight experience can score bang-up flights. To get a airplane pilot, you'll demand over 250 hours of flight experience, decent vision, a clear criminal record and good health.

Technical Writer or Editor

If yous're technically (or scientifically) inclined, and have great writing skills, technical writing and editing can exist a great gig on the road. Technical writers write everything from website text to software user manuals to detailed computer hardware specifications. I've worked as technical writer for the past ten years, both remotely and in cubicle nation. I'd suggest getting a certificate in technical writing and a few clients under your belt before y'all hit the route. Starting pay is almost $25/hour for North American gigs for native English speakers, simply experienced writers and editors tin earn $lx an hour or more than.

Academic Editor or Author

Academic editors and writers are frequently in big demand. English is a second language for enough of students, so

Academic editors and writers are often in big demand. English is a second language for plenty of students, and then requests like tin yous "Write my essay?" are heard often, and getting an editor to proofread academic papers is common.

Editors can work on articles all the way from high school to PhD level, depending on their feel. Writers are also in demand with paper writing services, which offering work in fields equally diverse as English, biological science, and physics.


Busking can be great if you have a skill in some sort of functioning art, from singing to drumming or juggling. Selection a busy area to maximize your tips, and be careful non to run afoul of local city ordinances for street performers. Check out the video beneath of talented electric violinist Ed Alleyne-Johnson doing some busking work to go you motivated. Amazingly, all the music you lot hear is coming from his violin!

Bartender or Waiter

Depending on the country you're visiting, y'all may exist able to score a job waiting tables nether the table. Equally you'll exist working illegally, you confront a few risks, including existence nabbed by the tax man, or even deported. That said, if you're looking to work in a eatery or bar, try to find a place where tips are good, as virtually of your income volition come in the class of tips. There'southward some helpful info here on traveling and working equally a bartender.

Piece of work for Your Accommodation

Many hostels will permit you stay for free in exchange for light work around the hostel. While nosotros were in Adelaide, Australia, we exchanged a couple of hours cleaning the hostel each day for a comfy double room with shared bathroom. All in all, it wasn't a bad deal, as rooms were going for about $l. You lot research hostels earlier you exit on sites like Hostelworld.com.

Peace Corps Volunteer

The Peace Corps is serious business. But apply if you're able to commit to a long engagement in what might exist a difficult environment. The application process is stringent, and commonly includes an interview. The Peace Corps doesn't pay a lot, but does comprehend wellness insurance and deferrals of student loans (for United states of america Citizens), plus a bonus at the end of your term.

Run an Import/Consign Business

The premise is simple: Discover a product in one country, and sell it for a tidy profit somewhere else. This is perfect if you take a strong entrepreneurial bent, as you'll have to dig upwardly the production, the market and the suppliers all on your ain.

Interpreter or Translator

You'll demand to be fluent in either written (a translator) or spoken (interpreter) ii languages or more, and many employers want a academy degree in linguistics.

Tour Guide

If you lot tin herd groups of dislocated people, and enjoy talking most the sights, this task might be for you. Bout guides don't simply schlep people around museums; you might fifty-fifty score a job equally a wilderness guide. Speaking multiple languages isn't a must but would be a definite asset.

Bout Organizer

If you can build trip itineraries, plan visas and stay arrangements, group tour organizing might be for you lot.

Seasonal Fruit or Vegetable Picker

The piece of work is long and hard, merely demand is often high for seasonal farm labor in Australia and many other countries in the world. If you're staying in a New Zealand or Australian metropolis with outlying farms, yous should be able to observe some work picking crops or shearing sheep.

Because the jobs depend on the harvest, timing can be a scrap catchy. Hither's a tip from a backpacker we met in Cairns: Don't pick watermelons, they counterbalance a ton and you'll be exhausted within the outset hour. Anywork Anywhere is a good place to start looking for jobs.

Seasonal Vegetable Picker Travel Jobs
Heavy lifting required


I have to acknowledge to being a piddling skeptical when I get-go ran across this task. Ethnomusicologists are involved in the anthropology of music and study how music and culture chronicle. The Society for Ethnomusicology is a proficient place to start. Grant competition is fierce, and an bookish background is highly recommended.

Online Poker Player

While this requires mad poker skills (obviously), the good news is that it's open to anyone with a good cyberspace connection and a minor bankroll to starting time. According to the FBI, online gambling is illegal in the United States.

Day Trader

Day traders buy and sell stocks and other financial securities online, normally inside the infinite of a day. A word of alert: You really demand to know what y'all're doing here, every bit this is a risky job for those without solid experience and knowledge. The big majority of day traders really lose coin.

Scuba Instructor

Y'all'll need a minimum of a PADI Open H2o Scuba instructor course (or a like accreditation). The more qualifications and specialized courses yous take, the more than marketable you lot'll become. Instructors don't make a lot of money, only the great perk of this job is that you become to teach in some of the world'south virtually beautiful locations.

Massage Therapist

While you don't technically need an accreditation to be a massage therapist in certain countries, it may help you country clients and gigs. In that location are probably hundreds of styles of massage, ranging from deep tissue to Thai. Pay depends on the country y'all're in, simply the job can extremely flexible if yous work as a freelance massage therapist.

Skiing Instructor

In most parts of the world, ski instructors must take courses and get accredited. Canadian ski instructors earn about $12 an hour to start.

Freelance Lensman

With the appearance of digital cameras and the Cyberspace, freelance photography has gotten a lot more competitive. That said, if you lot take great photography skills and a peachy business concern sense, you lot may be able to sell some of your travel photos.

Travel Agent

Years ago, existence a travel agent was i of the dream jobs for would-be travelers, who dreamed of perks and discounted fares. Today, travel agents are a rarer breed, as commissions accept been cutting and the internet has immune consumers to book more of their own trips. You can work as a home based travel agent through a web-based travel agency. Successful travel agents today often offer specialized services that don't compete with discounted web fares. Commissions and wages these days are low and perks are hard to come by.

Au Pair

An au pair is a nanny who may also exist expected to do light housework. A large proportion of au pairs are female, and tend to work in Europe, the US and Canada, and Australia and New Zealand. If you're looking to comprehend a lot of ground, this organization may not piece of work well, equally au pair contracts range from six months and up. Check out the International Au Pair Organization to start.

Au Pair Travel Job
Are you upwards to taking care of these ii?

House Sitter

While house sitting may not pay all of your travel bills, information technology tin take a huge bite out of accommodation costs. Trusted Housesitters is a dandy places to start.

Check Trusted Housesitters job listings here.

Also bank check for caretaking jobs, which generally involve a longer fourth dimension commitment and increased responsibilities (like taking care of someone'south motel while they're on vacation). Caretaking jobs ofttimes pay a stipend in addition to free accommodation. You can find flagman jobs through the Caretaker Gazette and Housecarers.com. At that place's a small membership fee for nigh sites.

Check Caretaker jobs listings here.

See Housecarers.com jobs hither.

Home Swap

If you own an apartment or house, consider swapping for a place at your destination. You lot can save a fortune in accommodation costs, and ofttimes live much amend than you would in a hotel.

International Resort Worker

International resorts like Club Med rent a wide multifariousness of people, from electricians to bakers to activities coordinators. Check out Club Med jobs for data.

The bane of resort goers everywhere, fourth dimension share salespeople make a commission by disarming vacationers to purchase a partial buying of a vacation holding (or multiple properties). For a set amount of money, the vacationer gets access to a vacation property for 1 or two weeks per yr. Timeshares have taken a beating in the printing for scamming vacationers out of their money. Even timeshares on the upwards and up are often sold with restrictive dates for admission, hidden fees and taxes. Check out RCI.com to get an thought of what kind of time shares are available worldwide.

Work at a Military camp

If you're the outdoorsy blazon, you may exist able to combine camping and piece of work in Canada and the US. Work camping involves either hooking up your ain RV or on-site housing and working as a camp host, desk clerk or even a tour guide. Individual campgrounds and national parks similar Yellowstone offer seasonal employees RV hookups or onsite housing.

Campground at Paul Lake British Columbia
Campground at Paul Lake, British Columbia

Real Manor Agent

Y'all'll need to pick a specific surface area, go knowledgeable in the local existent estate market, but many expats make good money as real estate agents, especially specializing in selling to other expats.

Location Independent Businesses

Yous can take many businesses with you on the road. These are usually reckoner-based business like website development or estimator programming. All you'll need is a laptop, cyberspace connection, and a mad set of skills and you can piece of work anywhere in the world. Sites similar Freelancer.com let you bid on jobs from all over the globe, while Fiverr gigs are set up at a $5 (though you can add on extra services for extra $$).

Cheque out our article on the all-time online jobs for travelers for some ideas.

Deckhand on a Cargo Ship

While not as glamorous as working on a luxury prowl liner, working on a container transport can be a more leisurely mode to meet the world. Workers often acts as lookouts and perform maintenance similar painting and maintaining containers. Y'all'll need a high schoolhouse diploma and many deckhands accept training through industry or labor matrimony schools.


Dorsum in the twenty-four hours, legit international businesses would pay couriers to wing packages as bear on between select destinations. Cheaper and faster international shipping, increased security and transporting docs electronically have fabricated these jobs nearly not-existent. Employ a lot of caution with courier sites, as near seem to be trying to sell a membership, a supposedly discounted airfare or an outdated e-book written 10 years ago. Courier Listing, once one of the biggest names in the concern, suspended subscriptions because of decreased opportunities.

Transport a Car or RV

Motorcar and RV dealerships or car rental companies sometimes hire people to drive cars to a dissimilar destination. Auto rental companies sometimes find themselves with too many cars in 1 destination and desire to motion them to an expanse where rentals are more in demand. Car dealerships may need a specific car, with specific options or colors that they arrange to go from another dealer. While near companies work with full time, professional person drivers, there may be some opportunities for i time trips. The trick with these jobs is getting a motorcar that's going where yous desire to go at the right time. Y'all'll need a clean driver's license and may need a specialty license to drive RVs. Transport companies like DAS Auto Shippers and RV Transport hire drivers. HitTheRoad.ca is a well known Canadian company that offers mostly long altitude, ane way, one trip driving contracts for cars, while AutoDriveAway has listings for the USA.

Frazer Island, Australia
Frazer Island, Australia

Camp Counselor

Countries every bit diverse every bit Canada, the USA, Croatia and even Russia rent camp counselors. Check out Bitten By the Travel Bug's helpful articles on camp counseling.

ESL Teacher

Teaching English language as a second language is a well worn staple for travelers, and for good reason. Some countries, like Nippon, China and Korea are well traversed by ESL teachers, though there are opportunities around the globe. Japan and Korea pay reasonably well, while countries in South and Key America generally pay less. Depending on the country, accommodation may be included in your pay. Many teachers likewise tutor later on hours for extra cash. An English language as a 2nd Linguistic communication (ESL) Certificate helps, every bit does a Available's degree, though with persistence information technology'southward possible to go a job without either if you have the right connections. If you can figure out a fashion to break into the field, didactics business organisation English to adults is reputed to pay improve. Nomadic Matt's travel site has a keen overview of didactics English language overseas.

Online Teacher or Tutor

Many universities and colleges are moving to online learning. While this is great for students, it's also a fantastic perk for teachers or tutors, who can work from virtually anywhere to teach their online students. An avant-garde degree is helpful for instruction, merely information technology is possible to teach for a merchandise or technology school with feel and good connections.

Check out Teaching Traveling for a contour of a web and mobile pattern teacher who worked remotely for 9 months while traveling from US to Argentina. The best part of this gig? You're paid as well as if you were working at dwelling house. To detect work, browse the teaching listings at university like the University of Phoenix, community colleges, and even applied science and trade schools.


Geologists often travel every bit a requirement of their work. They can work in fields every bit various every bit oil and gas exploration, climate modify and mining. You'll need a minimum of a four yr undergraduate degree .

Bring together the Armed services

Joining the military merely to travel seems like a bad idea, given the run a risk that you lot could be permanently stationed in your home town, or … well… killed. That said, military machine service can lead to opportunities to work overseas, though at that place may exist little fourth dimension for recreation.

Personal Banana

A personal banana wears a thousand hats, depending on the needs of their employer. Personal connections seem to be critical.

Marine or Wildlife Biologist

For nature lovers, the groovy perk of working equally a marine or wild animals biologist can be location. Marine biologists tin be stationed in fantastic locations like Hawaii and Costa Rica, while wild animals biologists can be found anywhere on the globe. Biologists need a minimum of a four year undergraduate degree, though researchers who work with universities usually require a PhD.

Internet Affiliate Marketer

Net affiliate marketers create websites that sell other people's products and so accept a percent of the sales. While the manufacture has a smarmy reputation, it is possible to make money through affiliate programs. No formal education is required, but a strong entrepreneurial aptitude and tech savvy is needed.

Working Holiday and other Visas

If you're under 35, meet if your destination state offers a youth working holiday visa. Many countries have agreements that allow youth to work on a working holiday visa for upward to one year. Check out Wikipedia'south list of working holiday visa programs.

When planning to piece of work in a foreign land, cheque into visa requirements kickoff. In many countries it's possible to work illegally (under the tabular array), simply be aware that there can be consequences that include immediate deportation. Receiving lodging or a stipend for volunteering may fall within the category of working under the table, depending on the country.

We hope we've inspired you that in that location are a lot of means to brand money on your travels. Now get out there and get one of these best travel jobs!

45 Great Jobs You Can Do While Traveling The World And How To Get Them2

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